Patent Filing Considerations

Date and time





Customer Service Manager

Host organization

Orange County SCORE

Type of event

Resource Partner event

Event description

Intellectual property is becoming increasingly important when it comes to business valuation as well as success – especially for tech companies. A well-developed patent portfolio (along with an intellectual property portfolio, generally) conveys a high degree of technical and commercial sophistication to potential investors, customers, competitors, and licensees. It also proves that you value investment in research and development and are prepared to take appropriate steps to protect those investments. To keep all of your patent options open (particularly, outside of the U.S.), you must file a patent application before any public disclosure or commercialization of your invention takes place. The simplest first step is oftentimes filing a provisional application, which could potentially be done yourself – assuming it’s done right! 

This presentation will focus on explaining patentability, what should be put into a provisional application, and what other information is needed to better ensure you properly protect your IP. 
